The White Dragon From How to Train Your Dragon

Hiccup and Toothless Rtte Render.png

This is the page for the character. You may be looking for the species.

This unnamed Light Fury is a female Light Fury and Toothless' mate who first appeared in How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World.


  • 1 Official Description
  • 2 Development
  • 3 Biography
    • 3.1 Meeting Toothless
    • 3.2 Discovering Snoggletog
  • 4 Physical Appearance
  • 5 Personality
  • 6 Abilities and Skills
  • 7 Relationships
    • 7.1 Toothless
    • 7.2 Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III
    • 7.3 Grimmel the Grisly
    • 7.4 Dart, Pouncer, and Ruffrunner
  • 8 Game Statistics
    • 8.1 Standard Light Fury
    • 8.2 Valentine's Light Fury
    • 8.3 Snoggletog Light Fury
  • 9 Appearances
  • 10 Trivia
  • 11 References
  • 12 Site Navigation

Official Description

" Light Fury can turn each of her scales into tiny mirrors that reflect her surroundings, making her appear to be completely invisible. She can blend into the sky even during daylight hours, and hide seamlessly in clouds, sea fog, and distant horizons. "
— Dragonpedia stat card
" The Light Fury relies heavily on stealth when confronted — but when push comes to shove, her firepower and strength rival Toothless'. "
Dragons: Rise of Berk
" Since Vikings used to think the Night Fury was the "unholy offspring of lightning and death itself", they'd surely consider the Light Fury a sunnier version of that — if only they could see her! The Light Fury moves as fast as Toothless and shares his ability to blend into the sky — even during daylight hours. With her white coloration, the Light Fury hides seamlessly in clouds, sea fog, and distant horizons.
Although skittish and skeptical of humans, the Light Fury also shares Toothless' deep sense of empathy and will always wield her plasma blasts to defend anyone in need.
Dragons: Titan Uprising
" Ever since Hiccup witnessed Toothless sketching drawings of the Light Fury in the sand in order to win her love, a new tradition has been starting in Berk: the giving of 'Valentines'. Youths in the village cut geometric sigils out of paper, and adorn them with funny slogans of the Night and Light Fury courting each other. They then leave these cards secretly in the houses of their crushes, in the hopes that these talismans will cause the objects of their affection to turn their attention to them and them alone.

The intelligent Light Fury knows that these drawings are meant to represent her. She usually mistrusts humans, but this tradition has touched her in a way that is difficult to describe. To join in the game, she paints herself with ochre patterns reflecting the shapes of the geometric signs, and flies above Berk spreading love through her very presence.

Young lovers who see her have their hearts filled with hope, and lovers who have already gotten together gather on hillsides to watch her. They have no idea what this tradition will become in years to come, but don't mind. The presence of the Valentine Light Fury is enough to fill their hearts with warmth.

— Valentine's Light Fury in Dragons: Titan Uprising
" Light Fury does not share her partner's enthusiasm for the holidays. It's not that she's opposed to them or anything like that, but she simply has never spent enough time around humans to take any interest in their seasonal customs. In the early years of their relationship, she simply didn't get it. Every Snoggletog, Toothless would whip himself into a frenzy of celebratory zeal, leaving wrapping paper shreds and mistletoe strewn all over the place while the Light Fury watched in mute bewilderment. She just had no context for why these things should be happening. Inquisitiveness led to investigation, as she followed Toothless on his gift giving rounds, watching from behind her cloud of camouflage until her curiosity was satisfied.Toothless was initially disappointed that his devotion to the holiday was not shared with his lovely life partner, but gradually he came to accept that they didn't need to have the same opinion on everything to be good for each other. Good partners are complimentary, more than identical. Of course, once they had hatchlings together, the differences in their attitude towards the holidays became more pronounced. Toothless insisted that the children be brought up celebrating human holidays, while Light Fury was ambivalent about the idea. Out of respect for her partner's wishes, however, she humors him. Thankfully, in the Hidden World, this isn't too challenging. Without vikings around to spell out the details, Toothless is left to his own devices to remember and understand what the holiday stands for. Crash diving into a patch of holly and dropping fish decorated with tied grass is not that much of a challenge to the Light Fury's sensibilities as human smelling ribbons tied to her head would have been. She still considers the entire holiday a bit of an eccentricity, but she loves Toothless enough to go along with it, and, even in recent years, to enjoy it herself. One suspects that she might have a different opinion had she ever got around to tasting the Yak Nog though. "
— Snoggletog Light Fury in Dragons: Titan Uprising


" The Light Fury is an engine of change in our story, representing the call of the wild, which is key to Toothless' destiny. "
— Dean DeBlois[3]

Director Dean DeBlois describes the Light Fury's role as a call to the wild for Toothless, who lacks many primal instincts regarding love. She will be the one to detach Toothless from human influence.


Meeting Toothless

The Light Fury blending in with the mist

The Light Fury was first seen concealed in a cage on one of the ships raided by the Dragon Riders. Toothless briefly sensed her presence, but due to her being camouflaged in the mist, she was the only dragon that was not rescued. She was then delivered to the Warlords' base shortly before the arrival of Grimmel the Grisly. The Warlords expressed their concern about Berk, and after discussing the benefits of capturing Toothless, the Alpha Dragon of Berk, Grimmel then decided to use the Light Fury as a distraction to divert Hiccup and Toothless from his true intentions.

After sensing the Light Fury's presence on Berk, Toothless descended from a cliff and into a clearing in the forest. As the two dragons formed a mutual attraction, the Light Fury heard a twig snap and fired a plasma blast that destroyed a nearby tree. They soon found out that the intruders were Hiccup and Astrid, with the former being utterly astounded by the sight of the female dragon. The Light Fury fired another plasma blast at Hiccup, forcing Astrid to push him out of the way. Being distrustful of humans, the Light Fury took flight and cloaked herself while Toothless looked on from a tree.

As the residents of Berk began their journey to find the Hidden World, Toothless discerned the presence of the Light Fury and witnessed her uncloak in the clouds. After she camouflaged again, Toothless and Hiccup flew in the general direction in which the Light Fury was last seen. The Light Fury then reappeared and snatched Hiccup off of Toothless before tossing the young chieftain into the ocean. Toothless hastily swooped down to save his rider, much to the female's surprise, and he became disappointed when she vanished out of sight again.

The Light Fury noticing Toothless drawing in the sand

After waking Toothless with her presence, the Light Fury conducted him towards a beach on New Berk. Toothless tumbled down a sandy slope after an effort to dazzle her, which caused quite the opposite. The Light Fury then initiated the mating ritual by prancing around in a circle, and Toothless (with Hiccup's guidance) attempted to continue it with various bird-like dances, eventually driving her to swat him in the head when he got too close. Fed up with his strange courting attempts, the Light Fury finally hung herself from a tree branch in a similar manner to a bat and folded her wings in on herself. Toothless misinterpreted the message and decided to jump on the branch until it broke and he fell.

Using the broken branch and his tail, Toothless drew a picture of the Light Fury in the sand, gaining her attention. She then got down off the tree and stepped onto his drawing, which led him to growl at her. Instead of pulling her foot away (as Hiccup did in the first film), the Light Fury growled back, and Toothless sheepishly dropped the stick. Realizing the source of his offense, she stepped around the drawing, and the two dragons gazed upon each other for a few seconds. Upon noticing Hiccup hiding nearby, she decided to flee, leaving Toothless in dismay. Later, Hiccup designed an automatic tail fin, allowing Toothless to fly alone in search of the Light Fury.

As Toothless flew through the skies in search of the Light Fury, she uncloaked and soared beside him. She led him towards what appeared to be a huge thundercloud and both dragons fly inside. There, she demonstrated to him her cloaking ability, leading Toothless to try it himself. After trying with a regular plasma blast, Toothless is unsuccessful, but with her encouragement, he channeled the lightning from the thundercloud and fired a super-charged plasma blast. After flying through it, Toothless successfully cloaked. The two dragons then flew up to the top of the clouds where Toothless licked her head, prompting her to swoon over his affection. She then led him through a mist, and into the Hidden World.

The Light Fury cuddling up to Toothless

In the Hidden World, she and Toothless followed the other dragons who soared up the giant crystal in the center and dropped back down in a fleeting dive. They did this multiple times before landing at the top. The Light Fury cuddled up to Toothless, who did the same in return. He then roared, prompting all the dragons in the Hidden World to bow. After seeing Hiccup and Astrid about to be attacked by the dragons for being in the Hidden World, Toothless left the Light Fury to save them.

After getting Hiccup and Astrid back to New Berk, Toothless realized that the Light Fury had followed them back. The reunion was short-lived, however, as Grimmel (who had followed Ruffnut) shot down both Toothless and the Light Fury, capturing them. After a call from Toothless, all the other dragons flew to protect him. He then called them off after Grimmel threatened to kill the Light Fury.

The Light Fury hung in Grimmel's airship helpless and watched as all Berk's dragons were being put into cages. When Grimmel decided to test Toothless, he injected the Light Fury with Deathgripper venom and flew away on her. Hiccup then freed his dragon and the two chased down Grimmel. After they caught up to him, they separated, and Hiccup jumped on the Light Fury's back, kicking Grimmel over, but not before the hunter had shot Toothless.

THW-Light Fury, Toothless-22.jpg

Forced to choose between himself and his dragon, Hiccup frees the Light Fury and lets himself go, urging the dragon to save Toothless. The Light Fury stood still for a few seconds, shocked by Hiccup's gesture, then swooped down and grabbed Toothless. The two crash-landed on a cliff, but the Light Fury got up and dived after Hiccup, saving him right before hitting the water.

She brought him back to Toothless and let the two have a moment together. After Hiccup decided to send all the dragons to the Hidden World, Toothless let out a deafening roar, which was returned by the other dragons too. The Light Fury was the first to leave and returned to her home.

Nine years later, Hiccup, Astrid, Zephyr and Nuffink sailed close to the Hidden World, where they found Toothless, the Light Fury, and their three offspring. Hiccup and Astrid took flight on their dragons, while the Light Fury and her babies followed close behind.

Discovering Snoggletog

After nine years of living in the Hidden World, Toothless informed his family that he wished to visit Hiccup on New Berk. The Light Fury was not entirely interested in the idea and persuaded her mate to stay.

Later, while she and Toothless are sleeping, the Light Fury woke to check on the Night Lights if they are asleep as well. She lighted up a nearby crystal that revealed rocks shaped like her children, which caused her and Toothless to panic and leave the Hidden World to find them.

The Light Fury and Toothless arrived on New Berk and scolded their children for flying away. However, they decided to stay and watch the Snoggletog Pageant, which detailed how Vikings and dragons became friends and allies. When Hiccup fell off the cliff, Toothless came to his former rider's rescue and acted as an obscured substitute. The Light Fury allowed Toothless to finish the pageant, before they left for the Hidden World they visited the Haddock House to eat the fish Hiccup prepared and left a glowing crystal as a gift for the Haddocks. The visit from Toothless and his family inspired Hiccup to visit the dragons in return.

Physical Appearance


The Light Fury is shown to have sky-blue eyes and white scales with glittering textures, along with some light blue on her belly, tail flukes, and underwings. She has a single, long spine running down her back, a pair of large, ear-like adapters on the top of her head, and two smaller ones on the side. She also has triangular wing flukes and tail flukes that are glittery white in coloration. Her wings are glittery white with glittery pink strips running down both of them. Her tail flukes resemble a heart in shape. She has fewer scale details than Toothless and possesses a smoother silhouette. She also has two glittery heart shapes upon her forehead. Her scales, although at a glance appear purely white, are mingled with scintillating shades of pearlescent pink, pale blue, and purple, giving her a more sleek and feminine appearance than Toothless.


" She never comes around. And when she does, she's always rushing off. I'm saying, how... how do we know if she's right for us? She's so wild and skittish. I'm just gonna say it. I don't trust her. [src] "
— Hiccup's initial impression about her

The Light Fury warning Toothless of a trap

She is initially a wild individual who tolerates the presence of other dragons but does not want to do anything with humans. Upon meeting Toothless, she develops a crush on him and starts to see the Night Fury as a potential mate. She tries to court him with a mating dance, only to have him respond with some unusual movements. It is when she witnesses him drawing her face that she becomes truly infatuated by him.

She is quite determined, as shown when she follows humans and walks in a camp full of them despite her fear just to see Toothless. She can also be aggressive. The fact she growled without hesitation at the Alpha Dragon twice indicate she is strong-minded.

" See? I knew you'd come around! [src] "
— Hiccup, after she saves him from plummeting

The Light Fury showing her more benign personality

Once she releases her aloof exterior, she starts to reveal her playful and compassionate nature. She eventually comes to understands Toothless' relationship with Hiccup and starts to accept the latter and the rest of the Hooligan Tribe as friends and allies. She even remembers Hiccup and Astrid after not seeing them for almost a decade, and greets them cheerfully along whilst flying alongside them playfully in the sky.

Abilities and Skills

" Where did she go? Is she made of the sky? [src] "
— Tuffnut, after she uses her cloaking ability to conceal herself from sight

Cloaking/Plasma Camouflage: The Light Fury is capable of making herself temporarily invisible by heating her skin as she flies through her plasma blasts because she has mirror-like scales. When the scales heat up to a certain degree, their mirror-like qualities are brought out, causing them to reflect their surroundings. However, the plasma blast could also be used as a distraction so that any threat chasing her could not see in which direction she went after cloaking.

Speed: She can fly at a great speed to grab a falling Toothless in mid-air and come to Hiccup's rescue with no signs of slowing down.

Strength: She is strong enough to carry humans in her claws and on her back, as well as Toothless with minimal effort.

Intelligence: She possesses a high level of intelligence, for she can understand Hiccup's plea for saving Toothless and that the human is no longer considered a threat. She is also able to understand that the drawing done by Toothless is supposed to resemble her, and reforms her ideas about his suitability as a mate accordingly.

Stealth: Due to her cloaking ability, she can disappear and reappear to sneak up on her targets easily. She can easily blend into clouds and mist due to her white scales and from far away, one wouldn't be able to see her in the sky.



" He's all yours. [src] "
— Hiccup to the Light Fury

Toothless and the Light Fury

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III

" We're friends! No need to kill us. [src] "
— Hiccup trying to gain her trust
The Hidden World Segment-Hiccup;Unnamed Light Fury-2.JPG

She initially mistrusts Hiccup, and at one point, snatches him from Toothless and tries to toss him into the ocean. Sometime later, Hiccup saves the Light Fury from Grimmel the Grisly, who was riding her against her will. He then hangs onto her in mid-air and tells her to save Toothless, something that she can understand. He eventually releases his grasp and watches as the Light Fury zoomed to save Toothless.

THW-Light Fury, Hiccup-2.jpg

At the very last moment, the Light Fury swoops back to save him; she flies back down and rescues Hiccup and carries him back to New Berk. Later, Hiccup tells the Light Fury that Toothless is all hers. Much later, when Hiccup is older, she flies beside him and Toothless.

Grimmel the Grisly

" Call them off, Alpha. No reason for her to die, too. [src] "
— Grimmel threatening Toothless

Grimmel riding the Light Fury

Grimmel first saw the Light Fury caged at the Warlords' base, and he would use her as bait and as a distraction for Toothless. Once the Light Fury has served her purpose, Grimmel recaptures her by stunning her with a poisoned dart. The Light Fury is fearful of Grimmel as when she detected him by recognizing his smell she panicked and tried to warn Toothless only to be incapacitated by him. When all of Berk's dragons fly in to rescue Toothless, Grimmel ordered the Night Fury to call off the attack while threatening to kill the Light Fury with his harpoon. Later on, Grimmel inserts a vial of Deathgripper venom on the Light Fury's bridle to ride her and control her more easily. Fortunately, Hiccup saves the Light Fury by kicking Grimmel off her, and in return, the Light Fury rescued Hiccup from falling to his death.

Dart, Pouncer, and Ruffrunner

Light Fury and Night Lights.jpg

Nine years after the dragons disappear into the Hidden World, she and Toothless eventually have three offspring, each inherit the mixed characteristics of their parents. She is shown to be very caring towards her offspring, as she stays by their side when Toothless catches the sight of humans after a decade, as well as flying close to them at all times.

Game Statistics

Standard Light Fury

Statistics in TU-Logo-Black.png

Valentine's Light Fury

Statistics in TU-Logo-Black.png

Snoggletog Light Fury

Statistics in TU-Logo-Black.png


Films and Shorts
"How to Train Your Dragon": Absent "How to Train Your Dragon 2": Absent
"Legend of the Boneknapper Dragon": Absent "Dawn of the Dragon Racers": Absent
"Book of Dragons (Short)": Absent "How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World": Appears
"Gift of the Night Fury": Absent "How to Train Your Dragon: Homecoming": Appears
"Dragons: Rise of Berk": Appears "School of Dragons": Appears
"How to Train Your Dragon": Absent "How to Train Your Dragon 2": Absent
"DreamWorks Dragons: Wild Skies": Absent "DreamWorks Dragons: Dawn of New Riders": Absent
"Dragons: Titan Uprising": Appears "Dragons Hero Portal": Absent


  • Although not given a personal name, she has received numerous names from fans, including "Luna" as a nod to a white female dragon from How to Fight a Dragon's Fury who is the same species as Toothless' book counterpart.
  • According to Richard Hamilton, she is around the same age as Toothless.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 "We know #HiddenWorld takes place roughly 1 year after #HTTYD2, making Toothless about 21. Light Fury is meant to be right around the same age, +/- a year or two." (Date Posted - December 31, 2018). Twitter.
  2. "I'm Dean DeBlois, director of the How To Train Your Dragon movies, and can't wait for you to see our third movie this March. AMA!" (Date Posted - June 7, 2018). Reddit.
  3. Alexander, Bryan. (Date Published - June 6, 2018). Toothless is in love! New photos from 'How to Train Your Dragon 3'. USA Today Life.

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Scuttleclaw: Budbite • Defender Scuttleclaw • Gressjester • Helpful Scuttleclaw • Meatlug's Cheerleader • Scuttleclaw Hatchlings • Slushclaws
Shivertooth: Distemplar • Exotic Shivertooth • Flutterfang • Helpful Shivertooth • Sweet-Tooth
Speed Stinger: Corroderunner • Exotic Speed Stinger • Fighter Speed Stinger • Icebreaker • Lead Stinger • Liberated Floutscout • Mala's Speed Stingers • Seedling Speed Stinger • Speedy • Sweet-Sting
Stormcutter: Brute Stormcutter • Cloudjumper • Defender Stormcutter • Dimflight • Eir's Titan Wing Stormcutter • Exiled Stormcutter • Gloomleer • Hurribane • Injured Stormcutter • Liberated Duskcutter • Marinecutter • Reignstorm • Serene Stormcutter • Tempestuous Scalestrom • Tripfire • Wingwary • Wonderclap • Woodland Stormcutter
Thornridge: Gloomshadow • Primal Thornridge • Sparknettle • Thornshade • Warywing
Timberjack: Axewing • Axewing the Second • Brute Timberjack • Dammen's Timberjack • Defender Timberjack • Driftcleaver • Freeweald • Lithe Loggerjammer • Lonewood • Seedling Saplinger • Soaring Sidekick • Stokehead • Stoneslice • Taxi • Tricky Timberjack • Wetland Timberjack
Windstriker: Boiling Billows • Chinooker • Defender Windstriker • Galesplitter • Grim Whirlwaft • Retired Windstriker • Snaggletooth • Winged Warden

MysteryClean.png Armorwing: Bandit • Coldsnap • Fool's-Gold • Goldrush • Gresskarmor • Irongaze • Knocks • Liberated Haulmauler • Twist-Trapper

Boneknapper: Antiquarian Accumulator • Bludgeon Knapper • Bog-Blight • Boneknapper Family • Boneshedder • Brute Boneknapper • Cryptic Collector • Dammen's Boneknapper • Defender Boneknapper • Ghaslit • Gobber's Nemesis • Grave Knapper • Purlossein • Skullcrown • Tomb Thief • Trained Glowing Boneknapper
Buffalord: Auroch King • Beezelord • Big Buff • Big Snuff • Bisonarch • Boarcharger • Brute Buffalord • Exotic Buffalord • Frostgnaw • Hearty Buffalord • Maeve's Buffalord • Mosster • Mudgut • Pufferfinch • Thicket Buffalord
Cavern Crasher: Exotic Cavern Crasher • Firecomb Crasher • Grotto Gutter • Schmoozer • Slimeball • Slimeslinger
Changewing: Baby Changewing • Captured Changewing • Chimerical Chamomeleon • Defender Changewing • Edgewing • Hidera • Incognito • Morphaileron • Phantom • Snuffnut • Springwing • Stalker Changewing • Tuaterror • Tuffwing • Underwood Changewing
Chimeragon: Patch
Death Song: Dropplesounder • Exotic Death Song • Garffiljorg • Garff's Adoptive Father • Jestbelter • Sirenade
Dramillion: Bonnefire • Elder Dramillion • Fishlegs' Dramillion • Hurleqast • Marooned Mimiric • Myrkva the Immoral • Nattvig • Standard Dramillion • Titan Wing Dramillion
Flightmare: Defender Flightmare • Exotic Flightmare • Flaredawn • Hofferson's Bane • Injured Flightmare • Skystreaker • Trancemare • Viggo's Flightmare
Foreverwing: Guardian of the Forest
Hideous Zippleback: Barf and Belch • Defender Hideous Zippleback • Dread Zippleback • Barf and Belch's Mate • Barf and Belch's Offspring • Exiled Hideous Zippleback • Fart & Sniff • Hamfeist • Heel & Brak • Kandy & Kane • Muck and Tumble • Silverslash • Snort and Sniff • Snothead • Sparkle & Sparks • Sparks and Spew • Titan Wing Zippleback • Tricky Two-Heads • Valley Zippleback • Whip and Lash • Zesty Zippleback
Hobgobbler: Dreadgobbler • Droog • Rescued Hobgobbler • Smitten Hobgobbler
Prickleboggle: Helpful Prickleboggle • Krustler • Seedling Prickleboggle • Skypiercer • Thornforce
Sandbuster: Frostbiter • Marooned Mukchucker • Quicksand • Sawduster • Siltsmacker • Snowball • Wild Sandbuster
Silkspanner: Bayana's Silkspanners • Marooned Deathstrand
Slithersong: Bloomsang • Dazzlesing • Necronomodon
Slitherwing: Defender Slitherwing • Harmhug • Slinkling • Sweet-Stripe • Toksin
Smothering Smokebreath: Apneatic Archechoke • Defender Smothering Smokebreath • Dustbrawler • Exotic Smothering Smokebreath • Flutter-Fog • Gritpicker • Helpful Smokebreath • Rattling Smokebreath • Smogger
Snaptrapper: Brute Snaptrapper • Death & Chocolates • Death Race Snaptrapper • Defender Snaptrapper • Helpful Snaptrapper • Outsnapper • Snappy •Stormfly's Adopted Snaptrapper
Sweet Death: Defender Sweet Death • Exotic Sweet Death • Helpful Sweet Death • Masked Sweet Death • Seedling Sweet Death • Sqyrm
Sword Stealer: Broken Blade • Chillblade • Defender Sword Stealer • Exotic Sword Stealer • Forgefeist • Gleamer • Scimiterror • Verdigard

TrackerClean.png Deadly Nadder: Ambered Nadder • Baby Nadder • Bork Week Nadders • Brush Nadder • Defender Deadly Nadder • Dread Nadder • Edge Nadder • Fireshrike • Flystorm • Hardychomper • Infected Deadly Nadders • Kingstail • Lethal Lancebeak • Nimble Nadder • Pincher • Scardian • Seedling Stormpest • Sick Deadly Nadder • Skyblade • Springshedder • Steelspike • Steeltrap • Stormfly • Stormfly's Adopted Deadly Nadder • Stormfly's Mate • Stormfly's Offspring • Vaynglory

Mudraker: Muddie
Rumblehorn: Arctic Rumblehorn • Defender Rumblehorn • Drago's Rumblehorn • Flank-Tanker • Grimtorn • Krogan's Rumblehorn • Poise the Vast • Rhineblow • Robust Rumblehorn • Rumblehorn Hatchlings • Seedling Rumblehorn • Skullcrusher • Snowcap • Son of Skullcrusher • Valiant Scarbearer
Snifflehunch: Pestbud • Primal Snifflehunch • Runter • Scentinel • Seedling Snifflehunch • Snifflestone • Winkling
Submaripper: Belchfast • Deepkeeper • Mariner's Myth • Mopey-Slick • Primal Aquabeast • Shipsbane
Thunderclaw: Aurvandil • Bonesnarl • Defender Thunderclaw • Gyllentalon • Liberated Hardcast • Polar Thunderclaw • Rumpus • Sailback • Sturmundrang • Tundra Thunderclaw • Valiant Vingthor
Windgnasher: Arcane Kulingbiter • Auroara • Champion Windgnasher • Chinuke • Defender Windgnasher • Galegrinder • Gnarley • Gustnudger • Ironhide • Vindjakker • Woodland Windgnasher

The White Dragon From How to Train Your Dragon


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